Shatty Town! passes the word from Lexington Fayette Urban County, Kentucky.

I am a twenty-five year resident of the inner-Bluegrass. For 15 years of that time, I was publisher of North of Center, a small-time news and commentary site that since 2009 has covered Bluegrass Region history, geography, culture, and politics. Now I publish here at Shatty Town!

Coverage areas include urban development, biking, hiking, paddling, cronyism, parks, higher education, city gardening, and Ohio Valley history.

Kelly storefront overlooks future Bull Hell Park on the Kentucky River.

I aim for 1 post per week and around 4,000 words of news and commentary per month. Think of me as a degraded Wendell Berry, interpreting world events from my perch four blocks off Lexington’s Main Street.

And if you can spare it, please upgrade to a paid subscription. Your money pays for both the local NoC website and my shatty work appearing here. Subscriptions may get some special access things later, but nothing right now except a hearty thanks.

Grab the paddle. Take the trip.

Danny Mayer, founder of North of Center & ex-officio Mayor of Shatty Town.

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The word from Lexington Fayette Urban County, USA.